Friday, March 6, 2009

Green things I am really wanting

Going Green Pictures, Images and PhotosBut, I have to pace myself.

I've already replaced buying popsicles with these, which are great for AG's daddy, but way too big for AG. So, I'm going to be on the lookout for smaller ones, maybe these, since they are only two ounces.

The next item on my list are these cool snack bags AG could use these now and I hate carrying those ziploc bags around in her diaper bag. I think I'll probably end up ordering these this month (smile, although I am still researching these b/c I initially like the oil cloth ones, but they have levels of Phthalates are too high to comply with the new standards for items which are going to be sold and are intended to be used by children under 12 years old- so no oil cloth ones for this house! These are all cotton, but I don't think they are waterproof on the inside, which would be nice-so I may still be searching.
Aren't they just adorable, though?!?!

I think these napkins are really cute, but could probably make some myself out of felt-they just wouldn't be as cute, although they also wouldn't be as pricey. Hhmmm, what to do, what to do? Oh, just had a thought, I can check etsy for these, too. I'll report back on that later.

I guess that's enough for now. That's not too bad for a wish list, huh? I can probably swing these items in the near future. What green items are on your wish list??


the mommy said...

Cris I love this post. As you know I am a HUGE ETSY fan. I love those little cloth bags. I may have to buy some myself :). I have what is called a "Wet Bag" that I carry in my diaper bag for snacks or wet items it is cotton and waterproof on the inside.. I love it and I agree I hate carrying all those Zip Lock bags around...
