Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Lots of updating, so here it goes...



Tuesday marked our 20 month LID, yuck yuck yuck! At least, we can have some cake with it! We keep inching closer and closer. What I mean by inch is, this
4 DAYS! It's actually a day more than I was expecting, so I guess that is good news! I don't have much to say about it, on to next month...


We went to the first game of the season! We also got to meet our friends who just got back from China with their little one, Lydia. She was the cutest little thing, ever!!


We went to the doctor with Brian's mom and found out that the tumor they removed from her ovary a few weeks ago is NOT cancer!!! WOOHOO!! What a relief! She now will be getting a scan to see what is on her lungs and then they can begin the chemo for her breast cancer.

Last Thursday we had our 3rd homestudy update! Yep, our homestudy needs to be updated every year until the adoption is final, lucky us! This time our social worker told us that she didn't want to come back here until we have a baby that she can play with....yeah, us too!