Tuesday, September 11, 2007

ABC's of ME

A is for Age: Are you serious?? I'm not telling that!

B is for Beer: Don't touch the stuff

C is for Career: social worker

D is for Dogs names: Jake and Sadie

E is for Essential Item i use everyday: water- I must have a shower and wash my hair!

F is for Favourite TV shows: Grey's Anatomy- unfortunately most of my faves have been cancelled ie. Sex & the City, Gilmore Girls, Friends- looking forward to some new ones this season

G is for Favourite Game: Scattagories

H is for Home Town: I don't claim one

I is for Instruments: took piano lessons and hated them with a passion- of course, now I wish I could play

J is for Favourite Juice: ummm, apple I guess, oh wait that's cider

K is for whose butt i would like to Kick: I'm not typically the fighting kind-unless you mess with the fam or close friends

L is for Last Place I ate at: Sonic-but it was in the car, does that count?

M is for Marriage: 5 wonderful years

N is for Name: ag's momma

O is for Overnight Stays in Hospital: N/A

P is for People i was with today: wonderful hubby

Q is for Quote: The journey of a lifetime begins with one step-Chinese, of course!

R is for Biggest Regret: I'll have to think on that one...

S is for Sport: I like football, but can play nothing

T is for Time i woke up today: 9:30- yep, that's right, working from home does have it's perks. It also doesn't hurt to get to sleep in a little when you didn't sleep the night before!

U is for Current Underwear: pink or is that TMI (too much information)?

V is for Vegetables you love: Potatoes, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, any type of peas, pretty much anything besides mushrooms or beets

W is for Worst Habit: worrying about any and everything

X is for Xray: just had a mammogram-can you say ouch!

Y is for Yummy Food You ate today: my fave-chicken and rice casserole

Z is for Zodiac: I am a Libran!

If you haven't done this Meme consider yourself tagged!