Monday, October 8, 2007

It's about time.... & Menu Plan Monday

NOVEMBER IS DONE!!! I don't think I'll ever feel the same about that month again! I'm so glad that it's over, not to mention that I'm happy for all the new families that got to see their children for the first time last week. I have to admit, I was pretty let down last week when we "thought" that the cut off would be 11/30 and not into December, but then I just became happy to FINALLY be finished with that huge month. Now they only (and I use that term very loosely) have to complete referrals for December and then it will be our turn. How long will it take for them to get through December? Well, the answer is we don't know, just however long it takes them, but at least it's only one calendar month left. That really is a BIG relief.

We did pretty well with last week's menu plan. The only thing we didn't have was the Teriyki Chicken on Thursday night and the soup on Friday. We had enough left overs to not cook Thursday night and Friday my parents ended up not coming over, so we ate out.

Here is this week's menu:

Monday-Pork Chops & Potatoes with green peas, macaroni and cheese and carrots

Tuesday- Cheesey Chicken from Mommy of three. This is a new recipe that we are going to try, I'll post how we liked it next week.

Wednesday-ham & cheese sandwiches

Thursday-left overs or shrimp scampi (depends on how many left overs we end up having from Mon and Tues)

Friday-headed out of town-so we'll eat on the way-something fast, I'm sure

Saturday- we'll be at a football game, so we'll be having nachos or chicken tenders (oh, I'm sooo excited, can you hear the sarcasm?)

Sunday-back home, sandwiches after church

Overall, I guess it's kind of boring. I am going to post the recipe that I use for the pork chops/potatoes, but it may be tomorrow. You can go to I'm An Organizing Junkie to get more cool recipes!!

BTW-I read somewhere that your taste buds change every 7 years, so I challenge you to try something new this week! I tried some pumpkin pie over the weekend and I actually liked it pretty well, and the only thing I have ever liked pumpkin before was the smell of a candle-lol!!
Happy Eating!!


Kevin and Kim said...

Cris -

I think I would like to start doing this - (I think) - LOL!! I have run out of new recipes and cook the same thing all the time, so this may be fun for me!!

The blog - organizing junkie had some great recipes. Let me know if you have any other great recipe sites!!

If you don't mind, I may join in next Monday!!