Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

Go over to 1+1+1=1 to see other Tot School posts.

Since we were on vacation last week, I didn't do many planned activities with AG. However, I did take some things to do with her on the airplane and those worked out pretty well. She used sticker books with markers and an etch a sketch-which she loved. I also took a Mr. Potato Head, but didn't break him out, think I'll save him for another day.

She did lots of digging in the sand at the beach...she would have stayed there all day as long as she had a shovel and her pail!

Trying to figure out when it's going to splash her again, this was at Magic Kingdom.

Here are a few other things we did before we left for vacation.

Playing in her water and sand table-loves it

transferring dry beans to a muffin tin-she really enjoyed this, but I think I gave her too many beans, it got out of control quickly! LOL

her new magnet fishing rod, this proved to be a bit frustrating for her, although she understood the concept, she was more concerned about learning how to work the rod this time than really catching the fish with it, oh well, I'm sure the newness of this will wear off.

Hopefully, next week will be somewhat more organized. I've been doing lots of planning and purchasing in order to get things organized. I've realized that she and I both need more structure to our days, as she seems to be getting bored very easily recently which makes for whining on her part and frustration on my part. I'm thinking of making out a schedule to work by-otherwise, things slip my mind and no, I'm not really old enough for things like that to be happening yet!