Friday, January 4, 2008

Two years....

Make your own clipart like this @ www.TXT2PIC.comWe've been logged into China for 2 years today! We never thought that we would still be waiting for our daughter to come home two years after turning in our paperwork to China. I know that she is worth waiting for much longer than this, so it's fine. I just want to love her and take care of her. It hurts my heart to think that she could be in an orphanage. She could also be with a foster family. Either way, my wish is for her to have someone there for her when she cries or needs something. I want AG to know how much we looked forward to her arrival, but I don't want her to feel any kind of burden b/c of the amount of time that we waited. I sometimes feel that I could be contributing to that when I complain about the time frames. I hope that we can let her know how loved and wanted she was from the moment we signed the application. We aren't the only ones who are anxiously anticipating her arrival. Both sets of grandparents, aunts and uncles, tons of friends are also checking in every month to see when we think we might be getting her referral.

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”
-Romans 8:25

"All children come from God - for some the journey home just takes longer"~ Unknown


Kevin and Kim said...

Happy 2 years!! What a milestone to have are so very close now to Miss Abby's referral!! I so hope they speed up the rest of 12/05...for all of our sakes!!

Angela said...

well said ~ good things come to those who wait :)

Abby Grace is soooo loved already!

We will get through this together!!

hugs and love from up North!!

Angela :)

the mommy said...

I know I am a few days late but I feel the same well said. We will get through this together and one day our girls will know that we all waited together to love them forever....

Hang in there you two are going to be great parents....

Susan and Riz