Thursday, January 3, 2008

Financial Shape in 2008

I have been searching the internet for blogs that are frugal minded and will help with tips to staying on a budget. I came across Crystal, at Money Saving Mom a few weeks ago. She is hosting a challenge to get in Financial Shape in 2008.

B and I decided that we would start living only on what he brings home each month beginnning Jan 1 to see how we make it. As long as we can get by, I will quit my job once we bring AG home later this Spring. I am bound and determined to make this budget thing work for us, as I want to be able to stay at home with our daughter once we get home from China. This is the one true goal that I have this year. On a side, I had also applied to go back to school and get my Master's in Social Work, but I am having second and third thoughts on starting that in August. Mainly b/c that would mean that I would have to put AG in some type of daycare setting for a few days and I really just want to be able to stay home and enjoy her for a little while before having to do that-so that may be put on hold until 2009. We'll see.

The challenge is to post your budget, but I'm too private to do that so, I'm just going to make my committment to stick to this budget public to help keep me accountable.

I did make some calls yesterday and reduced a few of our monthly costs. We started with cable reduction. I don't watch HBO or Showtime, so why should we pay an extra $23/month for something that we can certainly live without? We're not anymore! Then, I researched and found that I can raise my deductibles on my car insurance and reduce my monthly insurance payments by about $13 each month. I know that it may not sound like much, but when you add things together it can really add up. So, my total savings from yesterday was $36/month. That, my friends, is what we will budget for entertainment. That would get us one movie night out and a couple of rented movies each month.

B ordered all 3 Dave Ramsey books: Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace, and More Than Enough. He's started reading the 1st one, Total Money Makeover. I'm so glad that we are both committed to making this work. It's not a long term change, but one that we feel is VERY important. I can't wait to stay home with our little girl!!


Wendi said...

I found you through your link on Crystal's page. I am also an adoptive mom. We brought Megan home from China this April. We went from a two income family to one five months before Megan came home. (Not by choice, my company closed the office. I had planned to work until we left for China.) We have made lots of changes to our spending but it is so worth it to spend my days with the baby I dreamed of for so long. Good luck!

the mommy said...

Cris good luck I love this goal and you have given me more motivation to take a look at our monthly expenses..
