Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kitchen Tip Tuesday

My kitchen tip for today is to always check the clearance aisle in your grocery stores. You never know what you will find there. Here is a picture of some items I've recently picked up on the clearance aisle at Kroger. Most of it are things that I would normally buy anyway (chili beans, baby cereal, spaghetti) and others are little luxuries for me and maybe for AG's daddy, too (spiced Chai Latte, which is yummy, btw!). So, here's the breakdown: chili beans .39, spaghetti .69, barley baby cereal 1.00, and the spiced Chai Latte-well you can see that one. I've also found Cherrybrook Kitchen brownies-I bought them since they are dairy free, and some chocolate covered pretzels.

Head over to Tammy's Recipes for more Kitchen Tip Tuesdays.


SnoWhite said...

I LOVE the clearance isle :) looks like you got some great deals.