Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th and Happy Anniversary!!!!

Happy Independence Day America! I'm listening to fireworks, as I type.

And, I almost forgot that today marks our 18 month Log In Date with China. Can you believe they've had our paperwork that long?? I can, I feel it everyday...My friend, Angela compared it to an elephant's gestation period, which is 22 months. HA, I think we'll beat that, so take that elephants! It's good to know that I can still have a sense of humor after 18 months, even if it is a little warped-lol. I couldn't think of better company to spend our wait time with than Angela & Bryan! Kudos to us for hanging in there this long, girl!


Angela said...

Happy Independence Day to you!! Hope you are having a great day!
I am so happy to have you to wait with Cris ~ what would I do without you and your warped sense of humor?? I love it!!

Angela :)