Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tot School

Well, this week, I spent alot of time figuring out things I needed to get together for Tot School. I think I have a good start, so now, I hope that the planning will be a bit easier for me to get going with.

Here is some of what we did this week:

We started a Mommy & Me gymnastics class on Monday. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of it. But, here she is practicing some of her gymnastics. Overall, I think she liked it. The first picture is her touching her nose to her toes, the second one is trying to walk along a piece of tape that I made to mimick the balance beam. She can do it, but was goofing off in this picture.

Next, we played with the fishing magnets again. She understands the theory of this, however, doesn't seem that enthusiastic about doing it. I am still trying to figure out if it's because she doesn't care or if it's frustrating to her since the magnets are so small. But, she asked for it when she saw it in the closet, so we tried again. We'll just keep on until I figure out what the problem is.

She colored a ladybug and then I gave her a sticker sheet with different types of bugs on it and asked her to take off the ladybugs and put them on her color sheet. She had no problem with this and seemed to like it quite a bit.

I got her a bowling set this week. We will need to work on rolling the ball, but you have to roll it really hard since it's very lightweight, I think we may try a different ball that would more easily knock them down. She did ask for it several more times during the week.

Some outside play included helping daddy wash the car.

And, in her new (to us) sandbox

We also tried transferring water from one container to another with an eye dropper. She thought this was fun, but had a bit of problem with it. I think with more practice she'll like this one even more. She did eventually start pouring the water from one bowl to the other and putting hte dropper down.

We also worked on scissor work, she's still figuring out how to manipulate them. We also did some pretend play of acting like a duck, dog, and monkey.

I'll try to get a picture of her at gymnastics tomorrow night.

Head over to 1+1+1=1 for more Tot School posts.


Jess said...

Love the idea of tape on the floor to use as a balance beam!! We'll have to try that one for sure! Looks like you had a good tot school week!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Looks like a fun week. We created our own bowling set from empty cheerio bottles. My daughter likes it a lot, but still can't really roll the ball, and she is quite a bit older. As for scissors - I think it's a little early, but good luck trying. I would recommend starting with play-doh scissors first - they are fun and perfectly safe.